Kakheti Village Tours is a social enterprise run by the community based NGO “Leli". Our private Eco-Tours are designed to give you the chance to go off the beaten path and explore traditional life in Georgia. We thrive on providing guests with a unique experience while providing customer care and giving back to rural communities in Kakheti, Georgia.
Giving Back to the Communities: By using our services you maximize your contribution to local communities. How do you do that?
90% of your money spent goes straight to your host family or locals that are directly involved with your tour
10% Covers overhead and other costs to help us keep things going and to make our services better
Our website has been translated with help from English-speaking volunteers working with NGO Leli. The organizers of the tour and the host families do not speak English. Despite the language barrier, they manage to communicate their warmth and hospitality with ease. With this in mind, just as you are seeking for the ideal tour, we are seeking out tourists who are: